
Information about the two Facebook groups, which are knowledge focused and I am Admin.

 Hello Friends. Facebook groups are a great way to build a community and maintain a connection and rapport with your members. I would like to introduce you to two groups of mine on Facebook. 1. Self-employed friends. In this group, we share knowledge posts that will help a primarily self-employed person, to gain knowledge and occasionally promote their products, services. The link is as follows: self Employed friends group 2. Business connections and friends. In this group, we share knowledge posts that are lengthier and will help both self Employed, Employees, Business owners, professionals, and others. The posts in this group may be very beneficial to the above audience and are in English. Here the objective of the post goes beyond providing information. The link is as follows: Business connections and friends. Regards Rahul  Madhiwalla 8655843886

The article on diversifying your income sources in a sustainable way.

 Please have a look at the article I wrote on Linkedin. Please do leave comments for your opinion. linked in article link Rahul Madhiwalla. 8655843886.

What is g suite and how it is useful.

What is G Suite? G Suite is a cloud-based productivity suite that helps teams communicate, collaborate and get things done from anywhere and on any device. It's simple to set up, use and manage, so that your business can focus on what really matters. These are some highlights: Business email for your domain Look professional and communicate as Gmail’s simple features help you build your brand while getting more done. Access from any location or device Check emails, share files, edit documents, hold video meetings and more, whether you're at work, at home or on the move. You can pick up where you left off from a computer, tablet or phone. Enterprise-level management tools Robust admin settings give you total command over users, devices, security and more. Sign up using my link and get a free 14-day trial, and message me to get an exclusive discount when you try G Suite for your business.

erp software selection video initial part by Rahul Madhiwalla.


Proficient way of Selecting ERP software for best results.

  This Book I came across on the Amazon Book store, regarding ERP by Giancarlo Jimenez inspired me to put it in point form ,the steps and requirements for choosing ERP software for Best results. This is not a technical article, nor a detailed exposition. For details I recommend you to buy the book on Amazon. (Put the keyword  ERP Guide  and select 2 nd book) .Know your why? why do you want ERP software. One of the key reason could be working hard, but at the end of the day, not able to generate sufficient cash flow from the business which can be taken by the owner home as a reward for his/her efforts and risk. .By using this software will I be able to automate processes which I have shortlisted as important and recurring. Is the software able to accommodate the growth in my business transactions and is scalable. Is the software able to give financial statements, and other accounting information in a timely manner. Can we perform basic MIS like the creditors/debtors ageing...

Have your unique identity and website for life and benefit from it in many ways.Read How.

Due to explosion in the internet access available even on the move due to smart phone becoming the norm, a never before opportunity is available to you to create a unique identity and website for life. Internet access is not just limited to office environment. People can see your website or it,s subset the Blog from anywhere. This facility is available to every body. Just imagine where ever you choose to live, your virtual estate on the internet world is fixed and is accessible to all. This virtual estate is your home, office, shop, meeting place whatever you want. It is in your control. It grows with the amount of care and attention, you give to it, and in turn can provide you with livelihood and much more. Just taking one typical example out of many, suppose you are housewife and you have a passion for making cakes. Then pronto set up your platform to showcase your hobby at first and then full fledged  e commerce website. It is in reality  your own international place of rep...

Don,t get foxed by the complexities in the world of business. Read How.

I was doing Electrical and lighting business.The sales were good, because our marketing was efficient, and we had a good Brand. But as you must have heard the Story of Emperor,s new clothes, my situation was similar. I felt everything looked rosy from outside, but it was not so. I was not focusing on profits and even less on the cash flow my business was generating, because I did not have a good ERP (Enterprise Resources and Planning) system, and the things went from not so good to worse. The company went into a huge loss, and even the new funds which I had brought  in later was not enough. If at that time I had given importance to tracking and monitoring the business, using a good ERP software, I would have immediately realised that not  everything is smooth sailing and would have immediately anticipated the severe cash flow problems my business will face in the future.The present picture would have been totally different, though we are now taking corrective steps and bouncin...