
Showing posts with the label ERP software

Proficient way of Selecting ERP software for best results.

  This Book I came across on the Amazon Book store, regarding ERP by Giancarlo Jimenez inspired me to put it in point form ,the steps and requirements for choosing ERP software for Best results. This is not a technical article, nor a detailed exposition. For details I recommend you to buy the book on Amazon. (Put the keyword  ERP Guide  and select 2 nd book) .Know your why? why do you want ERP software. One of the key reason could be working hard, but at the end of the day, not able to generate sufficient cash flow from the business which can be taken by the owner home as a reward for his/her efforts and risk. .By using this software will I be able to automate processes which I have shortlisted as important and recurring. Is the software able to accommodate the growth in my business transactions and is scalable. Is the software able to give financial statements, and other accounting information in a timely manner. Can we perform basic MIS like the creditors/debtors ageing...

Don,t get foxed by the complexities in the world of business. Read How.

I was doing Electrical and lighting business.The sales were good, because our marketing was efficient, and we had a good Brand. But as you must have heard the Story of Emperor,s new clothes, my situation was similar. I felt everything looked rosy from outside, but it was not so. I was not focusing on profits and even less on the cash flow my business was generating, because I did not have a good ERP (Enterprise Resources and Planning) system, and the things went from not so good to worse. The company went into a huge loss, and even the new funds which I had brought  in later was not enough. If at that time I had given importance to tracking and monitoring the business, using a good ERP software, I would have immediately realised that not  everything is smooth sailing and would have immediately anticipated the severe cash flow problems my business will face in the future.The present picture would have been totally different, though we are now taking corrective steps and bouncin...

ERP ( Enterprises Resources planning) 3 benefits explained in a nutshell.

ERP ( Enterprise resource planning) is a software which integrates the Accounting, Human resources Planning, and productive assets utilisation in one unique complete seamless integrated business system.   ERP systems help improve productivity and profitability in many ways but the 3 key areas are as mentioned bellow. Examples of application are shared which may be simplified to elaborate on the concept and in reality may be more complex. 1. They reduce mundane,repetitive activities. For example when an Enquiry is received from the customer. It is stored in the Erp system. Later the quotation is prepared from the system. Now the customer places order. It can be stored easily as it will automatically pick up the items from the quotation we have sent. Later the proforma invoice, sales invoice can all be prepared without repeating the items, but by simply picking up the entries from quotation   sent to the customer earlier.   There are many such methods by which the t...