Proficient way of Selecting ERP software for best results.

This Book I came across on the Amazon Book store, regarding ERP by Giancarlo Jimenez inspired me to put it in point form ,the steps and requirements for choosing ERP software for Best results. This is not a technical article, nor a detailed exposition. For details I recommend you to buy the book on Amazon. (Put the keyword ERP Guide and select 2 nd book) .Know your why? why do you want ERP software. One of the key reason could be working hard, but at the end of the day, not able to generate sufficient cash flow from the business which can be taken by the owner home as a reward for his/her efforts and risk. .By using this software will I be able to automate processes which I have shortlisted as important and recurring. Is the software able to accommodate the growth in my business transactions and is scalable. Is the software able to give financial statements, and other accounting information in a timely manner. Can we perform basic MIS like the creditors/debtors ageing...